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A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.

Initial Setup

Installing Tautulli is easy. Simply issue the following command from SSH:

sudo box install tautulli

This command will configure Tautulli for your user. Installation files have been placed in /opt/tautulli.

How to Access

Once Tautulli has been installed, you can access it from your browser at https://<>/tautulli.

Service Management

The service for Tautulli is managed by systemd. The service file for tautulli resides at:

sudo systemctl start tautulli


Upon visiting your Tautulli dashboard for the first time, the welcome wizard will run.

  1. Sign in with Plex
  2. Input settings for Plex:
Plex IP:
Port: 32400
  1. Run through the rest of the wizard.
  2. Tautulli is now connected to Plex.