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filebrowser provides a file managing interface within a specified directory and it can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files. It allows the creation of multiple users and each user can have its own directory. It can be used as a standalone app or as a middleware.

Initial Setup

Installing Filebrowser is easy. Simply issue the following command from SSH:

sudo box install filebrowser

This command will configure filebrowser.

How to Access

Once setup, Filebrowser will be available at the link https://<>/filebrowser

Use your swizzin credentials when logging into the service

Service Management

Like all box configured applications, you can manage Filebrowser via SSH with box with start, stop, restart, enable and disable commands.

sudo systemctl start filebrowser

Configuration & Usage

Out of the box, Filebrowser comes with everything you need. You can navigate your box directories, upload files and download files.



You can always also try the general troubleshooting tips written in our guide. They might or might not apply, but asking these questions can often make you understand what is under the hood better and help you find what needs to be fixed. It's always worth a shot!

Please refer to the Filebrowser project on Github. Please check the Wiki first, and see if there are any closed issues from the past which might be relevant to your problems.